[ PrideAgainstPrejudice.com ] → The History
LGBTQ+ History
Although the main characters in Pride Against Prejudice are fictional, much of the story is based upon true events that occurred in the South during the struggle for LGBTQ+ equality.
The true history behind the Pride Against Prejudice story:
Don't Ask, Don't Tell - A 17 Year Battle Against Discrimination
Hard v. Bentley - Alabama Equality Lawsuit
Searcy v. Strange - Alabama Equality Lawsuit
Strawser v. Strange - Alabama Marriage Equality Lawsuit
API v. King - Illegal Writ of Mandamus and Alabama Supreme Court Conspiracy
Obergefell v. Hodges - Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) decision for nationwide marriage equality
Petition and testimony before the Alabama Senate Judiciary Committee against the 2015 HB56 Marriage RFRA
Franklin County High School (FCHS) in Winchester, Tennessee fights for their Gay - Straight Alliance (GSA)
Two Remove Roy Moore Rallies in Montgomery, Alabama - Watch the video of the rallies.
Removal of Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore - Check out our section covering Moore's 2016 Ethics Trial